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subj: inquiry of Church chairs

MURAI, Yasuhiro 2006-12-07 16:43:22 조회수 2,959
Date: Dec. 7, 2006
To: SungAe
From: Decon Prof. Murai, Sapporo Japan
Subj: purchases on Church chairs

My name is MURAI, Yasuhiro, decon of a church in Sapporo, Japan.
I would like to inquie of purchases of church chairs from your company.
Several churches in Sapporo, bought chairs from your company in Korea, we have learned.
With this e-mail message, I would like to know in the first place whether or not
I can communicate with someone in your company in English or in Japanese?
Please let me know about it if you can or cannot correspond with me through
interenet e-mail system.
I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and your cooperations for me.
Best regards
YMurai, Sapporo, Japan
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